Daisy has a thing about eyes. She has to be one of the strangest but sweetest dogs I have ever met. She kisses Skeeter and us on the eyes. She has actually made
Skeeter's eyes look a little raw from all the kisses. We bought Skeeter and Daisy each a stuffed bunny at a yard sale last summer. Daisy ate a hole in Skeeters and I threw it away several months ago. The other bunny which we call her baby has been holding up good. That is until this past weekend when I performed 3 surgeries on Sunday and one on Monday.

This poor thing had it's first surgery early Sunday morning to repair the hole where the left eye use to be. Then that afternoon the other eye was gone so I had to sew up another hole. Somehow, after the next round of play time the left ear was almost completely off. Unfortunately for the bunny the ear had to be sewn close to where the eye should have been. This picture was taken after operation #3. It looks a lot worse after operation #4 which is when the good ear was almost torn off so it now sits a little lower due to lack of stuffing. You know how kids whine when something gets broken or when things are taken away from them. Daisy did the same thing. She cried, begged, whined, tried climbing up my leg to get to it during every operation. You would have thought she lost her best friend so I had to save it. I went to Dollar General and bought Daisy and Skeeter some new stuffed animals form the 50% off after Easter sale. Daisy got a blue teddy bear and the she had the eyes off in a matter of about 30 minutes. Then I went into the kitchen and found that the cow also did not have eyes. The new bunny I got her I thought would hold up the best. . . but as you can see one eye is bulging from it's body.

Should I try to save the new bunny or just toss it when she is not looking. Luckily, the bear and cow just have small holes where the eyes should be so they are easy to fix. I don't know about this looks like part of the face may be missing.
Daisy. . .isn't she cute.
I just looked down at where Daisy is playing by my feet, just to realize that she is pulling all the brains out of her favorite baby. Should I try to save it one last time? The poor thing makes me giggle every time I see it. And to think, all this trouble over something I probably paid a dime for.
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