Scott has been hunting/looking for Bigfoot on the world wide web for a while now. Guess I should say researching but that would be too technical. He has decided that it is time to do some real hunting (not killing) so he is headed on a Bigfoot Expedition with the BFRO to New Mexico the first of May. This started out as a 4 day event. Now it has turned out to be a 7 or 8 day trip. What am I going to do with myself being alone for that long . He has shopped for a lot of new and exciting things to take on this hunt. He finally let me take a few photos of him.

A flashlight, a knife and a camera. What more could you need in the woods with a Bigfoot. . . Yes this knife is only a inch long. I'm sure that will protect him. He does have a 4gig memory card in the camera so he shouldn't miss any photo opportunities to prove to all of us he is not crazy. Just kidding. I know there are a lot of unknown things in this world.

Trying to figure out how he can swing his bat for protection if needed and get a photo in (because none of us will believe him otherwise).

No firearms allowed. He will have to come up with other redneck ways to keep safe. He is so excited about the trip. I hope he has some activity to tell us about. He wouldn't let me take photos of all the rest of his cool new camo rain gear. More updates to come as the trip gets closer.
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