Sunday, April 27, 2008
Long Weekend Long Week
We have had a very long weekend. We had a yardsale Saturday morning which made us have to get up at around 4 am. It was a little cold so we didn't do as well as we had hoped. We made around $200. After the sale was over and everything was packed up and tables dropped off etc, we made a trip to Walmart. YUCK! Scott is leaving for New Mexico next Sunday and we are having a family get together this weekend so we had to buy a lot of groceries. Today, I started on my cooking spree. They suggest on these expeditions to have single serve food to make it faster and easier. Today I made homemade vegetable soup, tomorrow I am making deer chili, and Tuesday I am making chicken noodle. I am freezing Scott a single serving of each so all he will have to do is heat it up and eat. I also have a single serving of meat marinating in the freezer for the other nights. I'm just not sure what sides he is going to have with the meat other than pork-n-beans. Tonight he started packing his clothes and stuff. We are trying to have everything done before the kids get here on Friday. I'm only working on his stuff until Tuesday. That will give me Wednesday and Thursday to make sure my house is in order and everything together for the family get together. Scott also sold our boat on Saturday so the Scoot-Toon now belongs to someone else. Such a sad day. We really hated to sell it but sometimes the toys have to go to take care of other things.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I have never blogged about one of my passions and that is reading. The last two books that I have read have been wonderful and I thought I would share the Titles with you. If you haven't read these I would highly recommend them.
This was Therese Fowlers first novel. I hate to give the story away but it is about leaving behind true love, a marriage of convenience, a teenager who is a good kid but has secrets, a profession that requires taking care of everyone else's needs, and health issues. This book makes you think about what matters in life. I can't wait until she writes more books. It also makes me want to write a journal which I kind of do here. But not really.
With all the news about the raid of the polygamist community this book has been mentioned hundreds of places. I couldn't believe the life girls in Polygamy have to endure. I always wondered how women could put up with the abuse and neglect in plural marriages. This book is a real eye opener as to the fact that this is the only life they have ever known or been taught. This should be on everyone's must read list.

I'm always looking for great books to read so if you have any suggestions. Please let me know. If you would like to borrow a book from my library, just let me know. All I ask is that they are returned. Oh and I have a thing about folding down the corners of the pages. It drives me crazy.
Also, if you would like to join Double Day book club let me know and I will send a card to you where you get I think it is 5 books for $.99 and also I can get 2 free books.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dogs and their toys. . .
So I looked up to see Scott sitting at his computer with this in his pocket. . .
Of course I laughed and got my camera. I guess Skeeter was trying to play with a toy and as usual Daisy just couldn't have that. She hasn't learned to share so Scott was holding it for him.

I'm a little behind on posting as usual. Last weekend my cousin Jess and her husband were in town and we got to hang out which we don't get to do often as Rogers is so far away and gas is so high. We had planned on a bonfire but it was too windy and cold. We settled for poker and had a blast.

We both beat the guys. Poor Billy he lost his chips first and we gave him a new color and some more and he lost all those too. I think maybe the lack of sleep had something to do with it. . . You would think with all these chips she was the winner but in the end I won. And to think, she told me I couldn't play.

Sunday, April 13, 2008
As You uns likes it. . . Who's you see kissen in a tree?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Scott has been hunting/looking for Bigfoot on the world wide web for a while now. Guess I should say researching but that would be too technical. He has decided that it is time to do some real hunting (not killing) so he is headed on a Bigfoot Expedition with the BFRO to New Mexico the first of May. This started out as a 4 day event. Now it has turned out to be a 7 or 8 day trip. What am I going to do with myself being alone for that long . He has shopped for a lot of new and exciting things to take on this hunt. He finally let me take a few photos of him.
A flashlight, a knife and a camera. What more could you need in the woods with a Bigfoot. . . Yes this knife is only a inch long. I'm sure that will protect him. He does have a 4gig memory card in the camera so he shouldn't miss any photo opportunities to prove to all of us he is not crazy. Just kidding. I know there are a lot of unknown things in this world.

Boys! Gotta Love them . . .
Each holiday our family has some kind of a game. . . kids vs adults. Thanksgiving is usually football and Easter has turned into a kickball day. The kids are all growing up so it is getting harder to win but we will never tell them that. I actually think the adults may have lost on Easter this year. I'm not for sure. . .These are some photos I took during the game of my nephews Trevor and Justin and my cousin Drew. I just love these photos.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

We had a great weekend with the kids. We had planned on going 4-wheeler riding on Sunday since it was suppose to be in the 70's but it was such a nice day on Saturday that I talked everyone into going then as well. So we spent several hours on Saturday riding trails and on the dirt roads. We left the 4-wheelers there over night and got a few more hours of riding in on Sunday before the kids went to their moms. The weather was so nice. A light jacket was all that was needed. We had a hard time finding some mud to play in. We thought with all the rain it would be easy but by Sunday even the mud hole they played in on Saturday was dry.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Skeeter's Evil Eye
Daisy has not been so easy on Skeeter's prized possessions. She has now not only chewed up his bunny; she has also ate the nose off his elephant and the nose off his favorite fish. We have thrown away several more items but these are the most recent. These are toys he has had since he was a puppy and he is now 5. He has always kept up with his stuff hiding them in just the right places. Now she has come along and I don't think he has much left. It's so funny, for the longest time he wouldn't play with her stuff or eat from her bowl. Then one day I told him he could eat her soft dog food and now he won't hardly let her eat it. I think it is only fair right. . .
When he gets mad at us he turns his back so he doesn't have to see us and tries to ignore us. Here he is ignoring me with the camera and giving Daisy the evil eye so she will know to leave him alone. . .He doesn't want to play any more. She is so mean to him. . . And to think everyone thought he was the mean one. .
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Daisy's Babies
Daisy has a thing about eyes. She has to be one of the strangest but sweetest dogs I have ever met. She kisses Skeeter and us on the eyes. She has actually made Skeeter's eyes look a little raw from all the kisses. We bought Skeeter and Daisy each a stuffed bunny at a yard sale last summer. Daisy ate a hole in Skeeters and I threw it away several months ago. The other bunny which we call her baby has been holding up good. That is until this past weekend when I performed 3 surgeries on Sunday and one on Monday.
This poor thing had it's first surgery early Sunday morning to repair the hole where the left eye use to be. Then that afternoon the other eye was gone so I had to sew up another hole. Somehow, after the next round of play time the left ear was almost completely off. Unfortunately for the bunny the ear had to be sewn close to where the eye should have been. This picture was taken after operation #3. It looks a lot worse after operation #4 which is when the good ear was almost torn off so it now sits a little lower due to lack of stuffing. You know how kids whine when something gets broken or when things are taken away from them. Daisy did the same thing. She cried, begged, whined, tried climbing up my leg to get to it during every operation. You would have thought she lost her best friend so I had to save it. I went to Dollar General and bought Daisy and Skeeter some new stuffed animals form the 50% off after Easter sale. Daisy got a blue teddy bear and the she had the eyes off in a matter of about 30 minutes. Then I went into the kitchen and found that the cow also did not have eyes. The new bunny I got her I thought would hold up the best. . . but as you can see one eye is bulging from it's body.
Should I try to save the new bunny or just toss it when she is not looking. Luckily, the bear and cow just have small holes where the eyes should be so they are easy to fix. I don't know about this looks like part of the face may be missing.

I just looked down at where Daisy is playing by my feet, just to realize that she is pulling all the brains out of her favorite baby. Should I try to save it one last time? The poor thing makes me giggle every time I see it. And to think, all this trouble over something I probably paid a dime for.
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