Chemistry Hair Care - $7.99 Will get $7.99 rebate
Excedrin - $3.99 Will get $3.99 rebate
Crest Pro Health toothpaste - $3.29 Will get $3.29 rebate
Lypsyl lyp Moisturizer - $1.99 Will get $1.99 rebate
Glade Fabric & Air - $2.99 Less $1.00 easysaver coupon and $1.50 Coupon from recent Sunday paper.
Photos - $14.25
Visine - $3.99 Less $2 easysaver coupon and $1.00 coupon from recent Sunday Paper.
Post it Tabs - $3.49
I must have mis-calculated somewhere and thought I needed a few dollars to get me to the $40 mark and I was actually over that. (note to self get small calculator to carry with coupons)
(2) Pez mint .60 each
(2) Skittles Gum .40 each
(2) Mike/Ike spray candy .60 each
These were all on sale and usually over a dollar each. They were a good price and I like to keep special treats around for the weekends when we have the kids and it is not our nineweeks.
So I get to thinking is couponing really worth it. . . . .I have definitely had my goof ups where I thought I was getting a great deal and got home and it wasn't as great as I thought. In the end it is still fun to walk out of the store with sacks full of great stuff and spend under $5. This just wasn't one of my best days. My total for the trip was Spent $37.03, Saved $11.26, $10 coupon, Register Rewards back $4.50, Rebates back $17.26.
Now back to clipping coupons. I have been working all week on getting organized. The reason I needed the tabs. . . I will share what it looks like when and if I ever get finished
1 comment:
Hi Angie!
Looks like you did fine even though you weren't as prepared as you would have liked to have been.. yeah I have often thought that sometimes it's just not worth it considering all the time it takes, plus the rookie mistakes and that.. but overall when I look at what I have that is a great stockpile for only having done this for 2 solid months.. then I feel pretty good.
I can see that I am finally reaping the benefits especially when I can walk into WAGS or CVS and blow RR's or ECBS and just really not care. before it was this big race to make sure I was rolling perfectly.. now to me I think "eh I'll earn them back no biggie" and in time I do.
I am definately getting more relaxed, if a cashier won't take a coupon I generally just shrug and say "I really didn't need it, just take that item off my transaction" If I really did need it then I will go back another time and try again if I'm sure that I was in the right had the right coupon or whatever.. if I had something wrong or the store didn't accept IP coupons or whatever I just hold onto that coupon until another sale. Sometimes I wind up with a better deal anyway!
Hang tough girlie!
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