9 packs of mechanical pencils, 6 packages of erasers, 6 3 ring notebooks, 3 pkgs notebook paper, 2 pencil holders, 6 bottles of Sauve, 4 Vive pro shampoo/conditioners, 4 pkgs #2 pencils, 3 highlighters, 2 pkgs Dixie plates, bottle of Maalox, 10 Lipton Sides, Chex mix, Chero mix, milk and a case of water. My stash is getting pretty big so I think my plan is working. My goal was to not spend much money in August so we would have extra for our honeymoon. This is just one of my many coupon/sale trips I have taken.
I already have part of my Walgreen's trip planned out for tomorrow. They have the good kind of tuna on sale for .69 which is about what I have been paying for the off brand and they also have travel sized shaving cream on sale for .99 and I have .75 coupons. I will probably go ahead and get one more Maalox since it costs $3.99 and you can use a $2.00 coupon from the Walgreen's easy saver book and then use a $2.00 manfg coupon out of the newspaper which makes it free. I will also look for more of the Vive products. They are on a Walgreen's special of buy one get one free on certain styles and then I used a buy one get one free out of the newspaper which made both of them free. There were a couple of other things I was going to get but I don't remember what it was so I will have to look at the ad again. It helps that Walgreens is right by my work. Over the last two weeks I have stocked up on school supplies and other stuff.
Wish I would have taken a photo of my Walmart trip also. It ended up being another table full of stuff and my total there was $20 and some change. It was more groceries that other stuff. Scott will think I'm so strange for posting this but I want everyone to know with a little work you can cut costs in lots of areas. It's not being cheap its being frugal.
You know I love coupons! You'll have to teach me your secrets. And those veggies down below look delicious. I'll come over for a vegetarian meal anytime!
ha ha every time I mention that I am taking pictures of my goodies I think that my husband must think I'm nuts! Seriously there are other people that blog and post pics of their deals all the time! lol!
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