Sunday, August 24, 2008

Less than a week!

In less than a week we will be married. I sat down last Thursday and made a schedule for the whole week. I have to iron everyone's clothes and pack for our trip along with preparing the food for our reception. I should have probably listened to Scott and had something catered in or bought some already prepared food. But I think some pretty party food will be so nice. Luckily, Scott's mom and my mom are helping but I kept the bulk for me to do since this is what I wanted. Today, I made a lot of roll ups and froze them. I will thaw them later in the week. I think my only real busy day will be Wednesday night. I have a lot of dips and stuff to get together. I will put the finishing items that might get soggy or yucky on them Friday.

It was really hard for me to go to the grocery store to buy all the wedding food. I only has one coupon that I could use and most things were not on sale. They just don't run cream cheese on sale in the middle of the summer and I bought a ton of it. I'm going to be too busy this week to try and hit all the sales so it will be 2 weeks before I will get to have a bit couponing day again. So sad.

They have put rain in and out of the forecast so many times. I feel like I should just stop watching it. However, I can't seam to do that. I wish they could tell me exactly what it is going to do that day. Then, I will know weather or not to go get some decorations really fast.

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